Update from the studio – January 2025

Hi everyone,

It’s been a long time between updates.

2024 was such a blur for me, we had a major family crisis and nearly lost our daughter and baby grandson late 2023. Thank the Goddess they both pulled through. Our grandson is coming along in leaps and bounds; however, our daughter’s health has been a slow and lengthy recovery. After 14 months she is out of the woods and making a full recovery.



We were renovating the house our daughter is living in when all of this happened so my studio became a storage unit for all of the building materials and I was barely able to work there, so early in the year I suspended my fan making and concentrated on the stave kits, leaving myself with more time to be there when the family needed me.

Storage Studio Studio storage







Now we are at the point where the majority of the studio can be cleaned out and I can start to move forward again. I now need to decide what to focus on.

I have found so rolls of tulle, some I have started to make boas with. have a red with red glitter accents and a lake blue with blue glitter accents. I also have black, green and navy blue. In glitter I have black, silver, gold, lemon, pink, ivory and dark blue. If you are interested in any of the colours please let me know.

Well, that’s it for now

Love and light,



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